09/03/2024, 07:36 AM UTC
三星BM1743展示如何制造128TB NVMe SSDSamsung BM1743 Shows How a 128TB NVMe SSD is Made
➀ 三星BM1743,一款128TB NVMe SSD,在2024年存储与内存未来展会上展示了其内部结构。➁ 该SSD采用双PCB设计,包含大量NAND和DRAM芯片,显示了其高存储密度。➂ 三星在BM1743中采用了QLC技术,报告称其在16KB下达到45K随机写入IOPS,不同于通常的4K基准测试。➀ The Samsung BM1743, a 128TB NVMe SSD, was showcased at the Future of Memory and Storage 2024 event, revealing its internal structure. ➁ The SSD features dual PCBs with a large number of NAND and DRAM chips, indicating high storage density. ➂ Samsung uses QLC technology in the BM1743, with reported 45K Random Write IOPS at 16KB, shifting from typical 4K benchmarks.