10/04/2024, 05:32 PM UTC
半导体新闻:印度、高通和意法半导体最新动态Most Read – Newton Aycliffe, 12-layer HBM3E, UKRI projects
➀ 英国国防部以2000万英镑的价格购买了位于牛顿艾克利夫的富士通旧工厂,用于生产军用砷化镓集成电路,该工厂将被改名为Octric Semiconductors UK。 ➁ 海力士开始大规模生产36GB 12层HBM3E内存,与之前的八层产品相比,容量增加了50%。 ➂ 台积电半导体放弃了在日本的建厂计划,现在计划在印度建厂。➀ The UK Ministry of Defence has purchased the former Fujitsu fab in Newton Aycliffe for £20 million to produce GaAs ICs for military use. The facility will be renamed Octric Semiconductors UK. ➁ Hynix has started mass production of a 36GB 12-layer HBM3E memory, increasing capacity by 50% compared to the previous eight-layer product. ➃ Powerchip Semiconductor has abandoned its plan to build a fab in Japan and is now planning to build one in India.