08/29/2024, 02:46 PM UTC
忽略短期噪音,聚焦微软的大局Microsoft: Ignore Short-Term Noise And Focus On The Bigger Picture
1、微软股票在过去10个月中增长了28.3%,接近标普500的表现。2、公司增加的资本支出是合理的,因为有对AI Azure的强劲需求和管理层的成功记录。3、尽管利润率和增长前景有所改善,微软的交易倍数与去年相同,这为投资者提供了一个有吸引力的估值机会。1. Microsoft's stock has appreciated by 28.3% in the past 10 months, close to the S&P 500's performance. 2. The company's increased CapEx is justified by strong demand for AI Azure and a proven management track record. 3. Despite improved margins and growth prospects, Microsoft is trading at similar multiples as last year, presenting an attractive valuation opportunity.
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