10/24/2024, 12:34 PM UTC
Rivian:我过早且错误地看涨(评级下调)Rivian: I Was Early And Wrong (Rating Downgrade)
1、作者最初于2021年将Rivian评级为‘卖出’,并于2024年7月上调至‘买入’,承认自己的过早且错误的评估。2、Rivian 2024年第二季度的结果显示了显著的毛利润亏损和生产中断,导致华尔街下调了未来的收益预期。3、尽管从大众汽车交易中获得强劲的现金流,但Rivian持续的现金消耗和推迟的盈亏平衡预测引起了担忧。增长和盈利能力的挑战,以及电动汽车竞争的加剧,使得维持看涨立场变得困难。作者基于基本面不支持看涨立场,因此下调至‘持有’。1. The author initially rated Rivian 'Sell' in 2021 and upgraded to 'Buy' in July 2024, acknowledging his early and incorrect assessment. 2. Rivian's Q2 2024 results showed significant gross profit losses and production disruptions, leading to a downgrade of future earnings estimates by Wall Street. 3. Despite a strong cash position from the VW deal, Rivian's continuous cash burn and deferred break-even projections raise concerns. The challenges in growth and profitability, along with increasing EV competition, make it difficult to maintain a bullish stance. The author downgrades to 'Hold' based on fundamentals not supporting a bullish stance.