02/11/2025, 12:45 PM UTC
Steam不再允许强制观看广告的游戏Steam no longer allows games that force players to watch ads
➀ 谷歌更新了其服务条款,禁止游戏强制玩家观看广告;➁ 这一举措旨在保护Steam体验,防止其成为移动式广告游戏的避风港;➂ 开发者必须找到其他方式来盈利他们的游戏,而不是依赖于激励广告。➀ Valve has updated its terms of service to ban games that force players to watch ads; ➁ The move aims to preserve the Steam experience and prevent it from becoming a haven for mobile-style, ad-filled games; ➂ Developers must find alternative ways to monetize their games instead of relying on incentivized ads.---