12/28/2024, 12:38 PM UTC
高通骁龙8精英2将采用台积电N3P工艺,三星疑似失去订单[News] Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Elite 2 to Use TSMC’s N3P as Samsung Reportedly Lost Order
➀ 根据《自由时报》援引《金融时报》的报道,近年来,主要科技公司大幅增加资本支出,以获取人工智能芯片和建设数据中心。➁ 然而,最近全球数据中心投资放缓,引发了对人工智能热潮可能正在降温的担忧。➂ 高通的骁龙8精英2将采用台积电的N3P工艺,而据报道,三星失去了订单。➀ According to Liberty Times, citing Financial Times, major tech companies have significantly increased capital expenditures in recent years to acquire AI chips and build data centers. ➁ However, global investment in data centers has recently slowed, raising concerns about whether the AI boom might be losing steam. ➃ Qualcomm's Snapdragon 8 Elite 2 is set to use TSMC's N3P process, while Samsung reportedly lost orders.---