08/24/2024, 07:26 PM UTC
安卓恶意软件利用NFC窃取支付卡数据Android Malware Uses NFC to Steal Payment Card Data
➀ NGate恶意软件利用NFC技术从受感染的安卓设备中窃取支付卡数据,并将其传递给攻击者。➁ 该恶意软件能够模拟被盗的卡片,使攻击者能够在ATM机上取款或进行支付。➂ NGate通过网络钓鱼攻击分发,伪装成合法的银行应用,诱导用户输入敏感信息。➀ NGate malware uses NFC technology to steal payment card data from infected Android devices and relay it to attackers. ➁ The malware can emulate the stolen card, allowing attackers to withdraw money from ATMs or make payments. ➂ NGate was distributed through phishing attacks, masquerading as legitimate banking apps and prompting users to enter sensitive information.