11/07/2024, 08:08 PM UTC
债券警卫者的回归The Return Of The Bond Vigilantes
1. 美联储预计将继续其宽松周期,进行25个基点的降息。2. 10月份疲软的就业报告不太可能促使更大幅度的降息。3. 自9月中旬以来,基准10年期国债收益率一直在上升,引发了对债务水平和长期通胀预期的担忧。1. The Federal Reserve is expected to continue its easing cycle with a 25-bps rate cut. 2. The weak October jobs report is unlikely to prompt a larger cut. 3. The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury has been rising since mid-September, raising concerns about rising debt levels and long-term inflation expectations.