11/28/2024, 11:22 PM UTC
银涂层激光诱导石墨烯增强应变传感Enhanced Strain Sensing with Silver-Coated Laser-Induced Graphene
➀ 该研究探索了银涂层激光诱导石墨烯(LIG)应变传感器的发展,以克服传统传感器的局限性;➁ 与未涂层的传感器相比,这些传感器在灵敏度和可靠性方面表现出显著提升;➂ 银纳米粒子的集成改善了传感器的电动力学特性,使其适用于生物医学监测和其他应用。➀ The research explores the development of silver-coated laser-induced graphene (LIG) strain sensors to overcome limitations of traditional sensors; ➁ The sensors demonstrate enhanced sensitivity and reliability compared to uncoated sensors; ➂ The integration of silver nanoparticles improves the electrodynamic properties, making them suitable for biomedical monitoring and other applications.