11/28/2024, 05:15 PM UTC
微软解释为何移动版Xbox应用尚未发布Microsoft explains why its mobile Xbox app has yet to release
➀ 微软于五月份宣布将推出新的移动版Xbox应用;➁ 该应用原计划于七月发布,但由于法律问题已被推迟;➂ 微软团队已准备好功能,一旦法院做出最终决定即可上线;➃ 谷歌表示,微软有能力在Android上提供Xbox游戏,但他们选择不这么做。➀ Microsoft announced the release of a new Xbox app for mobile in May; ➁ The app was initially planned to launch in July but has been delayed due to legal issues; ➂ Microsoft's team has the functionality ready to launch as soon as the court makes a final decision; ➃ Google suggests that Microsoft has the ability to offer Xbox games on Android but has chosen not to.