12/20/2024, 01:07 AM UTC
移民路线正在改变Immigration Routes Are Shifting
➀ 2024年前11个月,欧盟非法入境人数下降了40%,主要由于巴尔干西部和中地中海的检测数量减少。然而,中地中海路线的检测数量仍位居第二,达到62,034人。➁ 西非路线入境人数增加了19%,这可能是由于该地区安全和人道主义状况恶化所致。➂ 东南部陆地边境人数增加了200%,绝大多数是乌克兰的适龄男性军人。➀ The number of irregular border crossings into the EU decreased by 40% in the first 11 months of this year, mainly due to a drop in detections in the Western Balkans and the Central Mediterranean. However, the Central Mediterranean route still had the second highest number of detections at 62,034. ➁ The West African route saw a 19% increase in crossings, likely due to deteriorating security and humanitarian situations in the region. ➂ The Eastern land border saw a 200% increase, with the overwhelming majority being Ukrainian men of military age.---
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