08/27/2024, 06:04 PM UTC
Synology BeeStation:本地网络存储替代iCloud和DropboxSynology BeeStation: A Local Network Alternative to iCloud and Dropbox
➀ BeeStation是一款紧凑、密封的NAS设备,配备4 TB硬盘,旨在作为iCloud和Dropbox等云存储解决方案的替代品。 ➁ 针对主流用户简化了设置过程,通过专用应用程序进行配置和管理文件和照片的数据同步。➂ BeePhotos和BeeFiles应用程序提供了无缝集成和备份选项,尽管它们缺少一些与云服务相对应的高级功能。➀ The BeeStation is a compact, sealed NAS device with a 4 TB hard drive, designed as an alternative to cloud storage solutions like iCloud and Dropbox. ➁ Setup is simplified for mainstream users, with a dedicated app for configuration and management of data syncing for files and photos. ➂ BeePhotos and BeeFiles apps provide seamless integration and backup options, though they lack some advanced features compared to their cloud counterparts.