03/06/2025, 06:19 AM UTC
Q4 DRAM市场增长9.9%,三星收入111.5亿美元领跑Q4 DRAM market grew 9.9%
➀ 第四季度DRAM市场增长9.9%,总额超过280亿美元;
➁ 季节性Q1的弱势和CSP需求的减弱预计将在本季度推动价格下降;
➂ 三星继续保持DRAM市场领先地位,收入达到112.5亿美元,其次是海力士和美光。
➀ The Q4 DRAM market grew 9.9%, reaching over $28 billion;
➁ Seasonal Q1 weakness and weakening CSP demand are expected to lower prices in the current quarter;
➂ Samsung remained the top DRAM supplier with $11.25 billion in revenue, followed by Hynix and Micron.