09/21/2024, 10:00 PM UTC
艾利 Lilly 终于便宜了,值得将其评级上调至买入Eli Lilly Is Finally Cheap, Warranting An Upgrade To Buy
1. 艾利 Lilly 的长期增长前景通过 2024 年下半年的供应改善和 2025 年上半年的产能增加得到保障。2. 自付药患者的直接面向消费者(D2C)渠道的引入为该公司提供了新的增长机会。3. 当前股价并不昂贵,FWD PEG 非GAAP 比率为 1.30x,远低于历史水平和同行业水平。4. GLP-1 竞赛可能面临激烈竞争,到 2029 年可能有高达 16 种新的 GLP-1 药物推出。5. 在将股票评级上调至买入的同时,投资者应根据其风险偏好考虑进入时机。1. Eli Lilly's long-term growth prospects have been secured by improved supply in H2'24 and incoming capacity additions from H1'25 onwards. 2. The introduction of its D2C channel for self-pay patients offers a new growth opportunity through uninsured patients. 3. The stock does not appear expensive at current levels with a FWD PEG non-GAAP ratio of 1.30x, well below historical levels and sector peers. 4. The GLP-1 race is likely to face intense competition with up to 16 new GLP-1 drugs potentially launched by 2029. 5. While upgrading the stock to Buy, investors should consider timing their entry points based on their risk appetite.