10/29/2024, 07:13 PM UTC
研究社交机器人能力:埃尔朗根-纽伦堡 Friedrich-Alexander-Universität 的 FORSocialRobots 项目Researching Social Robotic Capabilities: FORSocialRobots Project at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
➀ FORSocialRobots 研究项目由弗朗克教授领导,旨在提高机器人的社交能力,以实现不同应用场景中的人机高效互动。➁ 项目聚焦于物流、生产、服务、养老院和痴呆症中心等场景。➂ 挑战包括自然沟通、理解人类情感以及适应不同环境。➀ The FORSocialRobots research project, led by Prof. Dr. Jörg Franke, aims to enhance the social skills of robots for efficient human-robot interaction in various applications. ➁ The project focuses on scenarios such as logistics, production, service, elderly care, and dementia centers. ➂ Challenges include natural communication, understanding human emotions, and adapting to diverse environments.
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