09/12/2024, 04:07 PM UTC
모두투어客户信息因恶意代码泄露ModooTour Customer Information Leaked Due to Malicious Code
1、ModooTour的客户信息因恶意代码感染而泄露;2、泄露发生在今年6月,包括姓名、ID、出生日期和电话号码等个人信息受到影响;3、ModooTour已采取措施应对这一问题,包括删除恶意代码、阻止外部IP访问并加强安全措施。1. ModooTour's customer information was leaked due to a malicious code infection; 2. The breach occurred in June this year, with personal information such as names, IDs, birthdates, and phone numbers being compromised; 3. ModooTour has taken steps to address the issue, including deleting the malicious code, blocking external IP access, and enhancing security measures.