07/17/2024, 06:03 PM UTC
区域电力交易在数字市场平台——埃施基兴地区试点中期评估Regional Electricity Trading on Digital Marketplace – Midterm Review of Pilot in Euskirchen Area
1. 自春季以来,由莱纳·莱莫因研究所领导的数字电力交易系统在埃施基兴地区投入运营。2. 该系统使用开源软件和区块链技术确保透明度和安全性。3. 该项目旨在通过减少电网扩张的需求和成本,使能源转型更加经济实惠,从而稳定能源系统。1. A digital electricity trading system has been operational in the Euskirchen area since spring, led by the Reiner Lemoine Institute. 2. The system uses open-source software and blockchain technology to ensure transparency and security. 3. The project aims to stabilize the energy system by reducing the need and costs for grid expansion and making the energy transition more affordable.