07/27/2024, 07:35 PM UTC
我为何增持AGNC,收益率达14%Why I Am Buying More AGNC, Yield 14%
1、通胀正在减弱,但美联储可能不会立即降息,而经济衰退似乎即将来临。2、在观察经济形势的同时,我正在获得14%的收益。3、寻找一个像这样的投资组合?高股息机会的成员可以独家访问我们的订阅者专属投资组合。1. Inflation is decreasing, but a recession is likely before the Federal Reserve cuts interest rates. 2. Investing in AGNC Investment Corp, a mortgage REIT yielding 14.6%, is beneficial during economic downturns and interest rate cuts. 3. AGNC's strategy of investing in agency MBS positions it well for capital gains when the economy recovers.