11/26/2024, 11:20 PM UTC
桑伯罗星系在詹姆斯·韦伯望远镜的图像中丢弃其帽子,呈现宇宙靶心Sombrero Galaxy Ditches Its Hat For A Cosmic Bullseye In Stunning Webb Image
➀ 桑伯罗星系(M104)在詹姆斯·韦伯望远镜的新图像中展现出一个光滑的内盘和复杂的环状结构。 ➁ 图像揭示了宇宙中天体构成要素——尘埃的分布情况。 ➂ 桑伯罗星系并非星形成热点,每年产生的恒星质量不到一个太阳质量,其中心的超大质量黑洞被归类为低亮度活跃星系核。➀ The Sombrero galaxy, known as Messier 104 (M104), is revealed in a new image from NASA's James Webb Space Telescope, showing a smooth inner disk and an intricate outer ring. ➁ The image reveals the distribution of dust, which is an essential building block for astronomical objects in the universe. ➂ The Sombrero galaxy is not known for star formation, producing less than one solar mass of stars per year, and its central supermassive black hole is classified as a low luminosity active galactic nucleus.