06/10/2024, 08:51 PM UTC
《使命召唤:黑色行动6》需全程联网,所有模式均需互联网才能游玩Black Ops 6 is online-only, all modes require internet to play
1. Activision确认,《黑色行动6》在所有平台和所有模式下均需要互联网连接才能游玩,包括战役模式。 2. 游戏采用纹理流技术来管理其庞大的游戏内资产,这导致游戏数据大小达到300GB。 3. 全程在线需求有助于微软和Activision收集有价值的玩家数据和遥测信息,游戏定于10月25日在所有平台发布。1. Activision confirms that Black Ops 6 requires an internet connection to play on all platforms and in all modes, including the campaign. 2. The game uses texture streaming technology to manage its large in-game assets, which results in a 300GB data size. 3. The always-online requirement facilitates the collection of valuable player data and telemetry for Microsoft and Activision, and the game is set to launch on October 25 across all platforms.---