11/08/2024, 08:00 PM UTC
《无人深空》更新终于带来了跨平台存档No Man’s Sky update finally brings cross-saves to the game
➀ 《无人深空》最新更新5.25版本带来了跨平台存档、PS5 Pro支持以及视觉改进等备受好评的功能。➁ 跨平台存档功能允许玩家在不同平台间转移存档,目前处于有限测试阶段。➂ 更新还包括了错误修复和诺曼底探险的回归。➀ The latest update for No Man's Sky, patch 5.25, brings highly appreciated additions such as cross-saves, PS5 Pro support, and improved visuals. ➁ Cross-saves allow players to transfer save games between all platforms, currently in a limited beta. ➂ The update also includes bug fixes and a return of the Normandy Expedition.