11/05/2024, 02:39 PM UTC
基于纸张的设备发电The Paper-Based Device Generates Electricity
➀ 纽约宾汉姆顿大学的科研人员开发了一种新型基于纸张的可穿戴设备,通过从空气中提取水分来发电;➁ 该设备使用细菌孢子将水分子分解成离子,产生电荷;➂ 研究旨在开发由纸张制成的灵活、可穿戴、可扩展和可丢弃的设备。➀ Researchers at Binghamton University have developed a new paper-based wearable device that generates electricity by extracting moisture from the air; ➁ The device uses bacterial spores to split water molecules into ions, creating an electric charge; ➂ The research aims to develop flexible, wearable, scalable, and disposable devices made entirely from paper.
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