08/27/2024, 10:37 AM UTC
英特尔在大规模削减开支的同时扩大AI PC合作伙伴福利Intel Expands AI PC Partner Benefits Amid Big Spending Cuts
➀ 英特尔宣布扩大对AI PC合作伙伴的福利,包括一个新竞赛,提供市场开发资金和其他激励措施。 ➁ 公司计划削减超过100亿美元的成本并裁员15,000人,但仍投资于AI PC创新。 ➂ AI PC创新挑战赛包括三个级别的奖项,鼓励合作伙伴开发AI PC应用。➀ Intel announced expanded benefits for AI PC partners, including a new contest offering market development funds and other incentives. ➁ The company plans to cut over $10 billion in costs and 15,000 jobs, but is still investing in AI PC innovation. ➂ The AI PC Innovation Challenge includes three tiers of prizes, encouraging partners to develop AI PC applications.