10/04/2024, 05:21 PM UTC
从Annaly Capital Management优先股中获得9.72%的收益率分析9.72% Yield From Annaly Capital Management Preferred Share
1、Annaly Capital Management是一家以机构抵押支持证券为主的抵押贷款REIT。2、文章讨论了公司优先股稳定的价格历史,强调了低赎回风险和赎回前30天的通知要求。3、在美联储政策的背景下,考虑了股息减少的风险。1. Annaly Capital Management is a mortgage REIT with a portfolio primarily consisting of agency mortgage-backed securities. 2. The article discusses the steady price history of the company's preferred shares, highlighting the low call risk and the 30-day notice requirement for any call. 3. The risk of dividend reduction is considered in the context of the Federal Reserve's policies.
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