03/14/2025, 03:36 PM UTC
POSTECH 领导合作在电动汽车电池性能上取得突破POSTECH-Led Collaboration Achieves Breakthrough in EV Battery Performance
➀ 由 POSTECH 的 Kyu-Young Park 教授领导的研究团队开发了一种技术,可以显著提高电动汽车(EV)电池的使用寿命和能量密度;
➁ 该技术涉及一种 '纳米弹簧涂层' 技术,可以提高电池的稳定性和性能;
➂ 该研究成果发表在 ACS Nano 期刊上,有望彻底改变电动汽车电池技术。
➀ A research team led by Professor Kyu-Young Park from POSTECH has developed technology to significantly increase the lifespan and energy density of electric vehicle (EV) batteries;
➁ The technology involves a 'nano-spring coating' technique that improves battery stability and performance;
➂ The research is published in ACS Nano and has the potential to revolutionize EV battery technology.