09/18/2024, 07:40 PM UTC
萨克森-安哈尔特州移动量子技术取得突破性进展Quantum Leap for Mobile Quantum Technology in Saxony-Anhalt
➀ 德国网络安全机构Cyberagentur与三家国际科技公司签署了移动量子计算机开发合同;➁ 该项目投资超过3500万欧元,旨在实现安全、国防和民用领域的移动应用;➂ 研究将专注于在保持高性能的同时,缩小量子计算机的体积,以便在安全和防御场景中的移动使用。➀ The Cyberagentur has signed contracts with three international tech companies for the development of mobile quantum computers; ➁ The project, with an investment of over 35 million euros, aims to enable mobile use in security, defense, and civilian applications; ➂ The research will focus on miniaturizing quantum computers while maintaining high performance for mobile use in security and defense scenarios.