10/15/2024, 08:45 PM UTC
Super Flower发布新款Combat FG ATX 3.1电源Super Flower launches new Combat FG ATX 3.1 PSUs
➀ 超花旗发布了新款Combat FG ATX 3.1电源;➁ 该电源提供650W、750W和850W版本;➂ 具备英特尔ATX 3.1兼容性、模块化设计以及80 Plus金牌认证。➀ Super Flower has launched the new Combat FG ATX 3.1 power supply; ➁ The PSU supports 650W, 750W, and 850W variants; ➂ Features include Intel ATX 3.1 compatibility, modular design, and 80 Plus Gold certification.