12/15/2024, 02:46 PM UTC
量子计算:量子计算可能成为技术领域的下一个大事件QTUM: Because Quantum Computing Could Be The Next Big Thing In Technology
1、谷歌的Willow芯片在量子计算领域取得了突破,减少了错误并比传统计算机计算速度快得多。2、Rigetti、IonQ、D-Wave和Quantum Computing Inc.等量子计算股票的飙升表明了该领域的增长潜力。3、Defiance量子ETF为领先的量子计算和AI公司提供了多元化的投资机会,对于寻求增长的投资者来说是一个强劲的买入选择。1. Google's Willow chip represents a breakthrough in quantum computing, reducing errors and computing exponentially faster than classical computers. 2. Quantum computing stocks like Rigetti, IonQ, D-Wave, and Quantum Computing Inc. have surged, indicating the sector's growth potential. 3. The Defiance Quantum ETF provides diversified exposure to leading quantum computing and AI companies, making it a strong buy for growth investors.