10/07/2024, 11:17 AM UTC
星链直接到手机卫星服务获批准,用于飓风赫尔南影响地区Starlink's Direct-to-Cell Satellite Service Approved for Areas Hit by Hurricane Helene
➀ 美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)已临时批准星链在飓风赫尔南影响地区 的直接到手机卫星服务;➁ 该服务包括为北卡罗来纳州T-Mobile用户测试通过卫星发送短信的能力;➂ 这一批准是在该地区继续从飓风造成的重大停电中恢复之际发出的。➀ The FCC has granted temporary approval for Starlink's direct-to-cell service in areas affected by Hurricane Helene; ➁ The service includes testing text messaging capabilities via satellite for T-Mobile customers in North Carolina; ➂ The approval comes as the region continues to recover from significant outages caused by the hurricane.