12/09/2024, 09:06 AM UTC
艾德与白厅的斗争Ed Wrestles Whitehall
➀ 艾德提议削减部翻译人员数量,却遭遇抵制;➁ 他建议学校实行三天在校一周远程教学,却因可能影响多方利益而遭到反对;➂ 艾德主张跨部门服务整合,却遭到各部门详细需求的反驳;➃ 他关于加强对长期病假福利申领审查的提议引起了对工会参与和可能引发公众辩论的担忧。➀ Ed proposes cutting back on Ministry translators but faces resistance; ➁ He suggests a three-day school week with remote teaching and encounters opposition due to potential impact on various stakeholders; ➂ Ed advocates for departmental service consolidation but is met with detailed individual needs from each department; ➃ His proposal for increased scrutiny on long-term sickness benefit claims is met with concern over union involvement and potential public debate.