09/18/2024, 01:19 PM UTC
简化扭曲电子器件中的二维材料操控Simplifying 2D Material Manipulation For Twistronics
➀ 研究人员开发了一种新的二维材料操控设备,使研究更加高效,并有望应用于晶体管、量子计算和光通信等领域。 ➁ 该设备由MIT的袁超及其团队设计,能够轻松扭曲薄材料,取代了之前劳动密集型的方法。 ➂ 这一进步显著扩展了扭曲电子器件领域的发现可能性。➀ Researchers have developed a new device for manipulating 2D materials, enabling more efficient study and potential applications in transistors, quantum computing, and optical devices. ➁ The device, designed by Yuan Cao and his team at MIT, can twist thin materials easily, replacing the previous labor-intensive method. ➂ This advancement significantly expands the possibilities for discovery in the field of twistronics.