09/12/2024, 04:01 PM UTC
在印度海得拉巴的Venago创新公司嵌入式系统实习生Embedded Systems Internship At Venago Innovations In Hyderabad
➀ 本文宣布在印度海得拉巴的Venago创新公司提供嵌入式系统实习机会。选定的实习生将参与涉及PCB设计、电子硬件和编程的现有项目。 ➁ 职责包括测试和调试微控制器板以及准备硬件测试报告。 ➂ 需要的技能包括Arduino、C++、电路设计、C语言编程、EAGLE、嵌入式系统、物联网和树莓派。➀ The article announces an embedded systems internship opportunity at Venago Innovations in Hyderabad. The selected intern will work on existing projects involving PCB design, electronic hardware, and programming. ➁ The responsibilities include testing and debugging microcontroller boards and preparing hardware test reports. ➂ The required skills are Arduino, C++, Circuit Design, C Programming, EAGLE, Embedded Systems, IoT, and Raspberry Pi.