08/31/2024, 01:44 PM UTC
《黑神話》是如何煉成的?日本遊戲開發者為何吃驚?從2命題思考3A大作迷思How 'Black Myth: Wukong' Was Made: Why Japanese Game Developers Are Surprised and the Myth of AAA Games
➀ 《黑神話:悟空》以其技術熟練度驚艷了業界,尤其是考慮到其團隊規模小且缺乏AAA遊戲開發經驗。➁ 遊戲使用虛幻引擎5引起了開發者的討論,許多人質疑對於AAA遊戲使用如此新引擎的風險。➂ 遊戲因「空氣牆」和其他遊戲性問題受到批評,暗示了視覺美學優先於遊戲機制的情況。➀ The game 'Black Myth: Wukong' has surprised the industry with its technical proficiency, especially considering its small team size and lack of prior AAA experience. ➁ The game's use of Unreal Engine 5 has been a topic of discussion among developers, with many questioning the risk of using such a new engine for a AAA title. ➂ The game has faced criticism for its 'air walls' and other gameplay issues, suggesting a prioritization of visual aesthetics over gameplay mechanics.