08/20/2024, 09:20 PM UTC
为退休收入购买这些8-10%收益率的现金奶牛Buy These 8-10% Yielding Cash Cows For Retirement Income
1、7月份零售支出增加,反映出经济强劲和潜在的更持久通胀。2、在消费者信心强劲的环境下,推荐能源传输和星木地产信托,因其高收益率和价值。3、两家公司都提供高覆盖率的股息和增长潜力,使其在通胀环境下对寻求收入的投资者具有吸引力。1. Retail spending increased in July, indicating a strong economy and potential stickier inflation. 2. Energy Transfer and Starwood Property Trust are recommended for their high yields and value in a robust consumer confidence environment. 3. Both companies offer well-covered dividends and potential for growth, making them attractive for income-seeking investors in an inflationary environment.
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