12/16/2024, 05:46 PM UTC
谷歌:我不能再忽视世俗风险(评级下调)Google: I Can No Longer Ignore Secular Risks (Ratings Downgrade)
1. 谷歌母公司Alphabet的股价正在上涨,但市场忽视了世俗风险。2. 最新季度显示收入同比增长16%,云业务利润大幅增长。3. 股票的市盈率为22倍,可能已经考虑了竞争性的逆风,但预计搜索收入增长将面临进一步的压力。4. 作者认为,鉴于谷歌的估值上升和潜在逆风,更倾向于将资金重新分配到风险回报率更好的股票,如Meta Platforms。1. Alphabet Inc.'s stock is rising, but the market is ignoring secular risks. 2. The latest quarter showed 16% YoY revenue growth and a significant increase in cloud margins. 3. The stock's valuation at 22x earnings may already account for competitive headwinds, but further pressure on search revenue growth is anticipated. 4. The author prefers reallocating to stocks with better risk-reward profiles, like Meta Platforms, given the rising valuations and potential headwinds for GOOG.