10/29/2024, 05:00 PM UTC
台湾首个“弗劳恩霍夫创新平台”FIP盛大开幕Opening of the First 'Fraunhofer Innovation Platform' FIP in Taiwan
弗劳恩霍夫层与表面技术研究所IST与逢甲大学(FCU)正在开发光学和电气系统的表面和制造技术。此次合作旨在开发跨行业表面和制造技术领域的科技解决方案,重点关注光学和电气系统。台湾首个“弗劳恩霍夫创新平台”FIP-SPE@FCU于2024年10月28日正式开幕。The Fraunhofer Institute for Layer and Surface Technology IST and Feng Chia University (FCU) are developing surface and production technology for optical and electrical systems. The cooperation aims to develop cross-industry technological solutions in the field of surface and production technology, with a focus on optical and electrical systems. The official opening of FIP-SPE@FCU took place on October 28, 2024, in Taiwan.