10/07/2024, 07:10 PM UTC
可持续电子中心从英国研究与创新署获得2500万英镑资金Sustainable electronics hubs get £25m from UKRI
➀ 英国研究与创新署通过其加速绿色经济计划,为可持续电子设计和制造分配了2500万英镑。➁ 格拉斯哥大学将领导一个为期四年的项目,与其他机构合作解决电子行业的可持续性问题。➂ 项目重点将放在减少电子垃圾、最大限度地减少对关键原材料(CRMs)的依赖以及减少碳足迹上。➀ The UKRI has allocated £25m for sustainable electronics design and manufacturing through its Accelerating the Green Economy programme. ➁ Glasgow University will lead a four-year project in collaboration with other institutions to tackle sustainability challenges in the electronics industry. ➂ The focus will be on reducing electronic waste, minimising reliance on critical raw materials, and reducing carbon footprints.