10/01/2024, 06:07 PM UTC
通过纳米结构的磁排列增强纳米复合材料性能Enhancing Nanocomposite Performance through Magnetic Alignment of Nanostructures
➀ 研究人员介绍了一种使用磁场对纳米结构进行排列的新方法,重点关注石墨烯。该方法旨在增强聚合物纳米复合材料的性能。 ➁ 使用Halbach阵列实现长距离均匀排列,通过数值模拟优化其设计。 ➂ 排列后的纳米复合材料表现出改进的电导率和热导率,以及增强的抗菌性能。 ➃ 该研究突出了该方法在开发高性能材料方面的潜力。➀ Researchers introduce a novel method for aligning nanostructures using magnetic fields, focusing on graphene. The method aims to enhance the properties of polymeric nanocomposites. ➁ The Halbach array is used for long-range uniform alignment, with numerical modeling optimizing its design. ➂ The aligned nanocomposites show improved electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity, as well as enhanced antibacterial properties. ➃ The research highlights the potential of this method for developing high-performance materials.