08/21/2024, 01:20 PM UTC
ESMC在德累斯顿的晶圆厂破土动工ESMC breaks ground on Dresden fab
➀ ESMC,由TSMC、Bosch、Infineon和NXP合资成立,已在德累斯顿开始建设其首个晶圆厂,欧盟已批准德国政府为此100亿欧元项目提供50亿欧元补贴。➁ 该设施全面运营后,每月将生产40,000片300mm晶圆,采用TSMC的28/22nm平面CMOS和16/12nm FinFET技术,预计将创造约2,000个直接就业岗位并刺激大量间接就业。➂ 该项目旨在环保,包括节能建筑和水回收,计划获得LEED认证。➀ ESMC, a joint venture between TSMC, Bosch, Infineon, and NXP, has started construction on its first fab in Dresden, with the EU approving a €5 billion subsidy from the German government for the €10 billion project. ➁ The facility, when operational, will produce 40,000 300mm wafers monthly using TSMC's 28/22nm planar CMOS and 16/12nm FinFET technologies, creating around 2,000 direct jobs and stimulating numerous indirect jobs. ➂ The project aims to be environmentally friendly, including energy-efficient construction and water reclamation, with plans to obtain LEED certification.