09/16/2024, 07:30 PM UTC
Astro Bot成为过去十年(除马里奥外)最快销售的平台游戏Astro Bot becomes the fastest-selling plaformer of the past decade (aside from Mario)
➀ 索尼最新的独家游戏Astro Bot已成为过去十年最快销售的平台游戏,超越了众多同类游戏。 ➁ 其在英国的发售销量比最新的《战神与克拉克》游戏高出21%。 ➂ Gamesindustry.biz的Christopher Dring表示,Astro Bot是过去十年除马里奥之外最快销售的原创平台游戏。➀ Astro Bot, the latest and greatest first-party exclusive from Sony, has become the fastest-selling platformer of the past decade, outpacing many of its contemporaries. ➁ Its launch sales in the UK were 21% better than the latest Ratchet and Clank title. ➂ Christopher Dring of Gamesindustry.biz states that Astro Bot is the fastest selling original platform game outside of Mario from the last 10 years.
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