10/19/2024, 11:04 AM UTC
三星推迟向美国工厂交付ASML芯片设备Samsung Delays ASML Chip Equipment Deliveries for US Factory
<p>➀ 三星电子推迟接收ASML的芯片制造设备,这些设备是为其德克萨斯州新工厂准备的 ,原因是缺乏主要客户。</p><p>➁ 这次延误是对三星170亿美元的泰勒项目的一个打击,该项目旨在扩大其合同芯片制造业务。</p><p>➂ 世界上最大的芯片制造设备供应商ASML已因延误削减了其2025年的销售预测。</p><p>➀ Samsung Electronics has postponed taking deliveries of ASML's chip-making equipment for its new Texas factory due to a lack of major customers.</p><p>➁ The delay is a setback for Samsung's $17 billion Taylor project, which aims to expand into contract chip manufacturing.</p><p>➂ ASML, the world's largest chipmaking equipment supplier, has cut its 2025 sales forecast due to the delay.</p>