10/24/2024, 05:05 PM UTC
音乐套装:构建自己的合成器和DJ混音器Music Bundle builds your own synth and DJ mixer
➀ 音乐套装可以让用户自己组装合成器和DJ混音器,包含电路板、屏幕和扬声器等组件。 ➁ DIY套装包含Jay-D DJ混音器和用于编写合成器的Synthia,可以使用内置的MEMS麦克风录制样本。 ➂ 套件需要组装和焊接,并包含用于组装过程的免费工具包。➀ The Music Bundle allows users to build their own synth and DJ mixer with components like circuit boards, screens, and speakers. ➁ The DIY set includes Jay-D DJ Mixer and Synthia for coding synthesizers, with the ability to record samples using a built-in MEMS microphone. ➂ The kit requires assembly and soldering, with a free tool pack included for the process.