09/10/2024, 07:11 PM UTC
英飞凌发布7款30V TO-220封装MOSFET30V TO-220 mosfets from Infineon
➀ 英飞凌宣布推出7款30V TO-220封装MOSFET,属于其StrongIRfet 2系列;➁ 这些新型功率MOSFET旨在满足包括开关电源和电机驱动在内的大众市场应用的需求;➂ 该系列包括各种电流额定值和Rds(on)值,其中78A型号在4.5Vg下最大Rds(on)为5mΩ。➀ Infineon has announced seven 30V mosfets in TO-220 packaging as part of its StrongIRfet 2 family; ➁ The new power mosfets aim to meet the requirements of mass market applications such as switched-mode power supplies and motor drives; ➂ The family includes various current ratings and Rds(on) figures, with the 78A model featuring 5mΩ max Rds(on) at 4.5Vg.