09/17/2024, 09:57 PM UTC
观星——星系和星云的生动色彩Seeing stars – and nebulae – in vivid colour
➀ 慧荣科技的智能望远镜视觉技术通过生动的信号处理增强了星系、星云和星团检测。 ➁ 在柏林国际消费电子展上,该技术不到两分钟内解码了赫拉克勒斯星团中约30万颗星星的颜色,并揭示了三叉星云(梅西耶20号)中的气体云的化学成分。 ➂ 该技术基于来自慧荣科技超过25,000名用户社区的上千张图片的分析,提供了与经验丰富的天体摄影师相当清晰度的无与伦比的生动色彩。➀ Unistellar's vision technology for its smart telescope enhances the detection of galaxies, nebulae, and star clusters with vivid signal processing. ➁ At IFA Berlin, the technology decoded the colors of 300,000 stars in the Hercules cluster and revealed the chemical composition of gas clouds in the Trifid Nebula in less than two minutes. ➂ The technology is based on the analysis of thousands of images from Unistellar's user community and offers unparalleled vibrancy for a level of clarity comparable to experienced astrophotographers.