08/28/2024, 09:27 PM UTC
美国公开赛提供史上最高奖金US Open Offers Biggest Purse In History
➀ 美国公开赛提供创纪录的7500万美元奖金。➁ 单打冠军将获得360万美元,首轮输家将首次获得10万美元。➂ 奖金自2010年以来增长了三倍多,显示了对职业网球运动员财务支持的显著增长。➀ The US Open is offering a record-breaking $75 million in prize money. ➁ Singles champions will receive $3.6 million, and first-round losers will get $100,000. ➂ Prize money has significantly increased over the past decades, reflecting the growing financial support for professional tennis players.