03/10/2025, 06:28 AM UTC
意法半导体与三安光电在中国重庆合资成立碳化硅晶圆厂ST and Sanan Opto inaugurate jv SiC fab in China
➀ 在中国重庆,意法半导体与三安光电合资成立的碳化硅晶圆厂举行了开业仪式,总投资额为32亿美元。
➁ 三安光电持有合资公司51%的股份,意法半导体持有49%。该晶圆厂预计将在2025年第四季度开始量产8英寸碳化硅集成电路,采用意法半导体的碳化硅工艺技术。
➂ 到2028年全面运营时,该晶圆厂的产能将达到40k wpm。三安光电还将独立建设并运营一个8英寸碳化硅衬底制造厂,根据长期协议向合资公司提供晶圆。
➀ An inauguration ceremony has been held for a $3.2 billion SiC fab in Chongqing, China, a joint venture between Sanan Optoelectronics and STMicroelectronics.
➁ Sanan holds a 51% stake, with ST holding 49%. The fab is expected to start volume production of 8” SiC ICs in Q4 2025 using ST's SiC process technology.
➂ When fully operational in 2028, the fab will have a capacity of 40k wpm. Sanan will also build an 8-inch SiC substrate facility to supply wafers to the JV under a long-term agreement.