08/19/2024, 07:45 AM UTC
量子平面领域揭示的新物质状态New States of Matter Unveiled in Quantum Flatland Discovery
➀ 乔治亚州立大学的研究人员在接近绝对零度和强磁场的极端条件下,在二维系统中发现新的 物质状态。➁ 研究团队观察了分数量子霍尔效应(FQHE),并发现当施加辅助电流时,FQHE状态以新的方式分裂和交叉。➂ 这一发现挑战了现有理论,并对量子计算和材料科学具有潜在影响。➀ Researchers at Georgia State University have discovered novel states of matter in a two-dimensional system under extreme conditions of near absolute zero temperatures and intense magnetic fields. ➁ The team observed the fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) and found that FQHE states split and intersect in new ways when a supplementary current is applied. ➂ This discovery challenges existing theories and has potential implications for quantum computing and materials science.