08/19/2024, 10:25 PM UTC
三星据报道将在年底前完成HBM4与1c DRAM的试生产Samsung Reportedly to Tape out HBM4 with 1c DRAM by Year-end
➀ 三星在其设备解决方案(DS)部门内成立了一个新的HBM开发团队,目标是今年年底前 完成HBM4的试生产。➁ HBM4将采用三星的4nm代工工艺用于逻辑芯片,以及10nm第六代(1c)DRAM用于存储芯片。➂ 三星的HBM4测试产品预计将在明年发布,大规模生产计划在2025年底前开始。➀ Samsung has formed a new HBM development team and is targeting to tape-out HBM4 by the end of the year. ➁ The HBM4 will use Samsung's 4nm foundry process for the logic die and 10nm 6th-generation (1c) DRAM for the memory chip. ➂ Samsung's HBM4 test products are expected to be released next year, with mass production slated for the end of 2025.