09/27/2024, 09:23 PM UTC
麦凯轮全新旗舰Hypercar,继F1和P1之后,将于10月6日首秀McLaren's Beastly Hypercar Successor To F1 And P1 Teased Ahead Of October 6 Debut
➀ 麦凯轮预告了一款名为W1的新旗舰超跑,将于10月6日发布。这款车型预计将是外观、音效和性能都最出色的超跑之一。它配备了一台定制的1000多马力混合动力V8发动机。 ➁ 麦凯轮首席执行官迈克尔·莱特斯将W1描述为麦凯轮超跑的终极表达,推动性能的极限。 ➂ 关于这款车的造型和规格目前仍属未知,但有传言称它将使用轻量化的混合动力系统。➀ McLaren has teased a new flagship supercar, the W1, set to launch on October 6. The car is expected to be the best-looking, best-sounding, and best-performing in its class. It features a bespoke 1000+ horsepower hybrid with a V8 engine. ➁ McLaren's CEO, Michael Leiters, describes the W1 as the ultimate expression of a McLaren supercar, pushing the boundaries of performance. ➂ The car's design and specifications remain a mystery, but it is rumored to use a lightweight hybrid system.