10/29/2024, 08:00 PM UTC
机器人学习感知The Robotic Hand Learns to Feel
➀ 慕尼黑工业大学的研究人员在开发仿生人工抓取器,使其能够‘感知’;➁ 抓取器使用传感器以柔和的方式握持物体而不造成损坏,灵感来自自然界;➂ 该技术可以应用于采摘机器人、自主漫游者等不同任务。➀ Researchers at Fraunhofer IWS are developing biomimetic artificial grippers that can 'feel'; ➁ The grippers use sensors to gently grip objects without causing damage, inspired by nature; ➂ The technology could be applied to harvesting robots and autonomous rovers for various tasks.